Zentrum für BAUEN und ENERGIE
Innovations- und Forschungsstelle BAU
BAUAkademie Salzburg
Moosstraße 197
5020 Salzburg
Bmst. Arch DI Gunther Graupner / DI Wolfgang Konrad
Core Competences
- Memory Effective Masses
- Demographic Change
- Transfer of new construction technologies
- building damage reports
Main services
- Information
- Consulting
- Training
- Events
- Cluster Management
- Research
Associated experts and their field of expertise
- Energieberatung Salzburg / Energy consulting for private
- Umwelt Service Salzburg / Energy and environmental consulting for businesses
- Ziviltechnikerkammer / planning services
- Holzcluster Salzburg / Advice on materials and events
- IG Passivhaus / Energy-efficient building
- Salzburger Institut für Raumordnung / housing research
- FH Salzburg / Smart buildings
Homepage: www.forschungsstelle-bau.at
News & Events von Alphouse.eu
AlpBC Final Publication
A detailed collection of the central findings of project AlpBC
>>> moreSuccess Stories from Project AlpBC:
A movie on the central activities of AlpBC
>>> moreAlpBC Results Flyer
A short overview on the central findings of prject AlpBC
>>> moreCommunity Dialogues
Documentation on one of the most successful tools in AlpBC
>>> more